dr. Dang thi hong hue

  • Principal Lecturer
  • Deputy Head of Mechanics of Materials and Metal Forming Department
  • Union Vice President
  • Graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology

E-mail: hue.danthihong@hust.edu.vn


  1. Modeling and numerical simulation of materials
  2. Molecular dynamic simulation
  3. Nanomaterials
  4. Material mechanics
  5. Fracture materials
  6. Material forming technology
  7. Traditional metal material


  1. Metal forming Therory
  2. Forming processing in materials
  3. Mechanics of Materials
  4. Machine Element Design
  5. Manufacturing and human resources Management
  6. Project of materials forming workshop
  7. Lab 2


  1. Hue Thi Hong DANG, Pham Thi THUY, Dao Minh NGUNG, Pham QUANG*, Valery Y. SHCHUKIN3), THE DEFORMATION OF AZ31 MAGNESIUM ALLOY DURING WARM CONSTRAINED GROOVE PRESSING, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 25, No.1, 2019, p. 48-54, DOI 10.12776/ams.v25i1.1218
  2.  Pham Thi THUY, Hue Thi Hong DANG, Dao Minh NGUNG, Pham QUANG*, The microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy AZ31 after Constrained Groove Pressing, IOP Conf. Series,  Materials Science and Engineering 611 (2019) 012005 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/611/1/012005
  3. Dinh Van Hai, Dang Thi Hong Hue, “Finte Element Simulation and Experimental Study on Internal Fracture of Railway Sleeper Screw During Cross Wedge Rolling Process”, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 804, pp. 311-314, Oct. 2014, ISSN 0255-5476


  • Dao Minh Ngung, Dang Thi Hong Hue, Design of rolling steel factory, Hanoi University of Technology Publishing House, publication number: 3462-2017 / CXBIPH / 01-77 BKHN, ISBN: 978-604-95- 0324-5, No. QDXB: 186 / QD-DHBK-BKHN dated October 122, 2017





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