Dr. Trinh Van Trung

– Deputy Head of Department

– Lecturer
– PhD, Ulsan University, Kor
– Subject: Materials, Metal Materials
– Em
ail: trung.trinhvan@hust.edu.vn


  • Research, fabrication and application of thin film technology
  • Heat and surface treatment
  • Light alloys
  • Advanced functional materials


  1. Materials science
  2. Methods of testing & evaluation of materials
  3. Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
  4. Technical materials
  5. Surface treatment technology
  6. Materials characterization techniques


  1. Ha Pham Thi, Tuan Nguyen Van, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Quy Le Thu, Ly Pham Thi, Thuy Dao Bich, Trung Trinh Van, and Cuong Ly Quoc, Cr3C2-25NiCr Cermet Coating: Preparation, PTFE Sealant, Wear and Corrosion Resistances, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (2021).
  2. Trung Van Trinh and Minh Ngoc Nguyen, The SiC Fabrication from Vietnamese Rice Husk Charcoal and Diatomite by Electric Arc Discharge Furnace, Materials Science Forum, 985 (2020) 165-170
  3. Trung Van Trinh, Tuan Hong Pham, Hop Thanh Nguyen, Thanh Van Nguyen, Effects of bias voltage on adhesion and properties of chromium nitride thin films, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 25, No.4, (2019) 276-282
  4. D. Dung, N.B. Doan, N.Q. Dung, L.H. Bac, N.H. Linh, L.T.H. Thanh, D.V. Thiet, N.N. Trung, N.C. Khang, T.V. Trung, N.V. Duc, Role of Co dopants on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of lead-free ferroelectric Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 materials, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 4 (12/2019) 584-590
  5. Luong Huu Bac, Le Thi Hai Thanh, Nguyen Van Chinh, Nguyen Tri Khoa, Duong Van Thiet, Trinh Van Trung, Dang Duc Dung, Tailoring the structural, optical properties and photocatalytic behavior of ferroelectric Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 nanopowders, Materials Letters, 164 (2016) 631–635
  6. Jae Chun Lee, Sun Kyu Kim, Trinh Van Trung and Dong Bok Lee, Oxidation of Nano-Multilayered CrAlCuN Thin Films Between 800 and 1000 oC in Air, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 15 (2015) 579–582


  1. Nguyen Van Hien,Trinh Van Trung, Heat treatment equipments, Hanoi Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020.
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