

  • English name: Department of Iron and Steelmaking
  • Head of Department: Assoc. Bui Anh Hoa
  • Deputy Head of Department: Nguyen Cao Son
  • Address: Room 312, Building C5, Hanoi University of Technology
  • Phone: 024 38 69 24 31
  • Email:

Iron and Steel Engineering (formerly Black Metallurgy) belongs to the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering. This is the only place to train human resources for a key industry with good practice skills and expertise for the country.

Up to now, the Iron and Steel Department has trained more than 1500 engineers, 400 bachelors, colleges, 30 masters and 5 doctors; and currently, there are 2 PhD students doing a doctoral thesis in the Department. With a team of experienced teachers, the subjects are designed and taught related to the theory of metallurgical processes, fuel materials, iron smelting technologies, steel smelting, casting steel, and ferro steel, alloy steel and special steel, wear-resistant steel, corrosion-resistant steel, super-clean, super-durable steel, advanced steelmaking technologies and ecological environment protection. Regarding scientific research, the Department has carried out dozens of subjects at the State level, at ministerial or equivalent level and at other levels. The results of the topics have been applied to production, as well as creating a premise for development projects of domestic steel enterprises. Iron and Steel Department has close relationship with many domestic and foreign research and production agencies and units; thereby receiving support and cooperation in training and scientific research and technology transfer. Staff in the Department have published many scientific articles of ISI / COPUS, domestic and international articles; joined many scientific councils to evaluate and evaluate topics and projects at home and abroad.

Promoting good traditions in more than 60 years of construction and growth, Iron and Steel Engineering staff and students continue to promote internal strengths, focusing on training, research and technology transfer in metallurgy to meet needs of the industrialization and modernization of the country, towards international integration.


The Department of Iron and Steel Engineering teaches the basic modules of the Materials Engineering training program and the Iron and Steel Engineering modules, orienting learners to work in iron and steel manufacturing companies. metals, mechanical engineering, research institutions and state regulators. The specialized subjects include: Technology for blast furnace iron making; Steel-making technology; Refining and casting steel billets; Non-coking metallurgy; Iron and steel plant design basis; Fire training; Project of technology and equipment for iron and steel production; Technology for ferro refining; Sintering and pelleting; Electric furnace steel refining; Steel furnace to blow oxygen;….

The main research directions of the subject:

  • Technology for processing and evaluating the properties of a number of iron ores;
  • Iron and steel production processes and equipment and iron-based alloys;
  • Technology for out-of-furnace refining in production of special alloys;
  • Solutions for efficient use, saving energy and protecting the environment in metallurgy;
  • Recycling of solid waste in the iron and steel production process.


Highest Achievement: Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Training
Number of topics implemented in the last 10 years: 8 subjects at ministerial level or equivalent, 10 subjects at school level.
Number of PhD students, graduate students who graduated in the last 10 years: 4 PhDs, 20 masters.

Published and published documents (recent 15 years):

  • Ngo Tri Phuc, Nguyen Son Lam: Steel billet casting technology and equipment (edition); Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2014;
  • Ngo Tri Phuc, Bui Anh Hoa: Steel furnace for oxygen blowing; Science and Technology Publishing House, 2013;
  • Bui Anh Hoa, Nguyen Son Lam: Refining alloy steel and special steel; Science and Technology Publishing House, 2010;
  • Tran Van Dy: Alloy steel, alloy: Production technology process; Science and Technology Publishing House, 2008;
  • Ngo Tri Phuc, Tran Van Dich: World Steel Handbook (reprinted); Science and Technology Publishing House, 2006;
  • Ngo Tri Phuc, Nguyen Son Lam: Ferro (iron alloy) production technology; Science and Technology Publishing House, 2006;
  • Tran Van Dy: Steel furnace engineering; Science and Technology Publishing House, 2006
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