TS. Hoàng Văn Vương

– Giảng viên

– Tốt nghiệp đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội

– Thạc sỹ tại Đại học Chungnam Hàn Quốc

– Hiện đang nghiên cứu sau Tiễn sỹ tại Hàn Quốc

– Phụ trách môn học: Vật liệu kim loại

Email: vuong.hoangvan@hust.edu.vn

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu

  • Vật liệu kim loại và hợp kim
  • Vật liệu cấu trúc nano
  • Linh kiện điện tử và cảm biến

Giảng dạy

  1. Vật liệu học
  2. Lý thuyết độ bền
  3. Công nghệ bề mặt và màng mỏng
  4. Lựa chọn vật liệu và công nghệ
  5. Công nghệ vật liệu cấu trúc nano
  6. Đồ án môn học

Các công trình khoa học tiêu biểu

  1. Tring Van Trung, Hoang Van Vuong. Embrittlement of 40Cr steels, Khoa học và Công nghệ Kim loại, ISSN/ISBN 1859-4344, Vol.80, pp12-17, 2020
  2. Tien Dai Nguyen, Eui-Tae Kim, Jun Oh Kim, Sang Jun Lee, Van Vuong Hoang, and Khac An Dao., Formation of GeO 2 complex composed nanostructures by the vapor liquid solid method, Mater Sci: Mater Electron, ISSN/ISBN 0957-4522, Vol.28, pp 9338-9343, 2017
  3. Van Vuong Hoang, Soon-Ku Hong, Il-Suk Kang, and Jun-Mo Yang. Strain measurement in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells using dark-field electron holography, Nano Convergence Conference, 2017
  4. Van Vuong Hoang, Young Ji Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Soon-Ku Hong, Yong Ho Choi, Sungha Choi, Wooduck Jung, Chang Kyu Jeong, and Jun-Mo Yang, Strain mapping in a nanoscale-triangular SiGe pattern by dark-field electron holography with medium magnification mode, Electron Microscopy, ISSN/ISBN 2050-5698, Vol. 65, pp 499-507, 2016
  5. Van Vuong Hoang, Young Ji Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Soon-Ku Hong, and Jun-Mo Yang. Strain mapping in the nanoscale-triangle SiGe pattern by dark-field electron holography with medium high-resolution magnification mode, Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy (APT-M), 2016
  6. Hong Trang Pham, Tien Thanh Nguyen, Dong Chung Nguyen, Hoang Van Vuong, and Khac An Dao. The influences of Au metal catalystand surfacestateson the morphology and structure of Ge2O3 nanowires grown by VLS on Ge substrate, International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, IWAMSN 2016
  7. Van Vuong Hoang, Young Ji Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Jun-Mo Yang, Sungha Choi, Wooduck Jung, Yong Ho Choi, and Soon-Ku Hong, 2D strain measurement in sub-10 nm SiGe layer with dark-field electron holography, Current Applied Physics, ISSN/ISBN 1567-1739, Vol. 15, pp 1529-1533, 2015
  8. Nguyen Minh Vuong, Bui The Huy, Hoang Van Vuong, and Yoong-Iii Lee. Highly luminescent Nitrogen embedded Carbon Quantum Dots for Fe3+ and H2O2 The 5th International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application (IWNA), 2015
  9. Van Vuong Hoang, YoungJi Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Soon-Ku Hong, Yongho Choi, and Jun-Mo Yang. 2D strain measurement in sub-10 nm SiGe layer with dark-field electron holography. The 22nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS 2015), 2015
  10. Van Vuong Hoang, YoungJi Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Jun-Mo Yang, Yongho Choi, and Soon-Ku Hong. Comparison of 2-D strain measurement methods between dark field electron holography and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The 45th Korean Journal of Microscopy, 2014
  11. Van Vuong Hoang, Jun-Mo Yang, Soon-Ku Hong, and Yongho Choi. Characterization of Carbon Nanofiber Grown on Carbon Fiber. The 44th Korean Journal of Microscopy, 2013
  12. Nguyen Van Hieu, Hoang Van Vuong, Nguyen Van Duy, Nguyen Duc Hoa, A morphological control of tungsten oxide nanowires by thermal evaporation method for sub-ppm NO2 gas sensor application, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, ISSN/ISBN 0925-4005, Vol.171, pp760-768, 2012
  13. Hoang Van Vuong, Nguyen Van Duy, Nguyen Van Hieu. Synthesis, characterizations and gas-sensing properties of WO3 nanowires. Proceedings of IWNA 2011, November 10-12, 2011, Vung Tau, Vietnam
  14. Dao Khac An, Nguyen Xuan Chung, Pham Hong Trang, Hoang Van Vuong, Phan Viet Phong, and Phan Anh Tuan, On growth mechanisms and dynamic simulation of growth process based on the experimental results of nanowires growth by VLS method on semiconductor substrates, Journal of Physics: Conference Series ISSN/ISBN 1742-6588, Vol.187, pp 0120521-10, 2009
  15. Hoang Van Vuong, Nguyen Van Duy, Nguyen Van Hieu. Synthesis, characterizations and gas-sensing properties of WO3 nanowires. Proceedings of IWNA 2011, November 10-12, 2011, Vung Tau, Vietnam




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